Inflation in Ukraine accelerates to 1.5% in Jan

Inflation in Ukraine in January 2018 was 1.5% compared to 1% in December of the previous year, the State Statistics Service of Ukraine has reported.
According to its data, in annual terms the growth of consumer prices also accelerated in January to 14.1% from 12.6% over the same period in the past year.
Underlying inflation in January 2018 compared with December 2017 amounted to 0.7%, from January last year to 9.8%.
Prices for food and non-alcoholic beverages in the consumer market in January 2018 compared with December 2017 increased by 2%. Prices for vegetables and fruits rose most of all (by 10.8% and 7.6%). Prices for eggs, milk, sour cream, bread, fish, butter, and meat rose by 3-1.1%. At the same time, prices for buckwheat fell by 2.7%, and sugar by 1%.
Prices for alcoholic drinks and tobacco products grew by 1.1%, in particular for tobacco products by 1.6%, alcoholic drinks by 0.5%.
The growth of prices (tariffs) for housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels by 0.4% occurred mainly due to the increase in tariffs for the maintenance of houses and adjacent areas by 6%, prices for liquefied gas by 4.8% and housing rent rates by 0.9%.
The increase in transport fares in general by 3% was mainly due to the rise in prices for fuel and oils by 4.4%, cars by 3.4%, and transport services by 2.4%.
In the sphere of communications, prices increased by 2.8%, which is due to the rise in the price of postal services by 25% and local telephony by 8.3%.