11:32 05.01.2018

NBU standardizes cash transactions in hryvnias

2 min read
NBU standardizes cash transactions in hryvnias

The National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) has standardized own legal acts regarding cash transactions in the national currency in Ukraine in connection to renewal of Ukrainian legislation, the NBU has reported on its website.

The new edition of the regulations on conducting cash transactions in the national currency in Ukraine, which was approved by NBU resolution No. 148 dated December 29, 2017, which came into force on January 5, provides for a number of innovations, including the so-called "pneumatic mail" - the ability of an enterprise to collect cash proceeds received from the sale of products (goods, works, services) for further delivery to the bank using a set of technical and software tools located at the place when cash transactions are settled, providing safe transfer of funds from cashier workstations to a specially equipped room for storage and subsequent delivery of cash to the banks' cash desks.

The new edition of the regulations also provides for the possibility of handing cash proceeds to the bank through enterprises that received a license from the NBU allowing them to provide banks with encashment services and using an electronic digital signature of a legal entity when providing services in electronic form or when carrying out information exchange with other subjects of electronic interaction. In addition, the document provides for the possibility of assigning the functions of a cashier to an employee of another enterprise, attracted under a contract on the provision of human resource services.

In addition, a number of requirements for conducting cash transactions have been liberalized, in particular, the definition of the specifics of cash recognition in the cash desks of enterprises and separate divisions depending on the schedule of work, methods of delivery of cash, and the definition by internal orders of the specifics of establishing cash management limits for separate divisions of enterprises.

The regulations also contain a requirement regarding the obligation of non-bank financial institutions that obtained a license to transfer funds in the national currency without opening an account and bank agent enterprises to return cash (cash proceeds) received through payment devices and cash acceptance points for further transfer of this cash to a separate current account opened with the bank to keep account for the funds accepted for the further transfer.

The resolution contains provisions of NBU resolution No. 210 dated June 6, 2013, which is declared ineffective.