10:24 05.12.2017

Cabinet proposes UAH 15.9 bln rise in funding for housing subsidies in finalized draft state budget for 2018

1 min read
Cabinet proposes UAH 15.9 bln rise in funding for housing subsidies in finalized draft state budget for 2018

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has proposed that the Verkhovna Rada should increase financing for housing subsidies to the population by UAH 15.9 billion in the draft national budget for 2018 revised for second reading.

Thus ,according to the finalized draft national budget for 2018, posted on the website of the Verkhovna Rada, it is proposed to increase subventions from the national budget to local budgets for providing housing subsidies to the population for payment for electricity, natural gas, heat, water supply and sewerage, rent, management of multi-apartment buildings, and removal of domestic garbage to UAH 70.993 billion (from UAH 55.074 billion, which were foreseen in the draft national budget for 2018, filed for first reading).

So, it is planned to raise financing of housing subsidies to the population by UAH 15.919 billion.

At the same time, subventions from the national budget to local budgets for providing subsidies to the population for the purchase of solid and liquid household fuel and liquefied gas in the finalized draft national budget remained at the level of UAH 2.715 billion.