Assets from bank Kyivska Rus removed using crediting schemes, junk bonds, foreign bank – Deposit Guarantee Fund

Assets from bank Kyivska Rus were removed before the introduction of interim administration using schemes of crediting companies, acquisition of junk bonds and using them as collateral for credits and through transactions with Austria's Meinl Bank Aktiengesellschaft, the Individuals Deposit Guarantee Fund has reported on its website.
The fund said that the cost of assets of the bank in papers was UAH 5.63 billion, while according to independent appraisers their market cost is UAH 1.34 billion. The sum of approved claims of creditors is the largest among the bank under liquidation, being UAH 5.38 billion. The depositors of the bank received UAH 2.13 billion of guaranteed sums.
The fund said that the interim administration introduction day Meinl Bank had $44 million on the correspondent account. The funds were written off by the Austrian bank in July 2015 to pay the debt of the nonresident company. Its ultimate beneficiary and the founder was the founder of bank Kyivska Rus. Prosecutor General's Office started an investigation under the application of the fund into embezzlement of the bank's funds by its former shareholder. The bank is the affected party in the case.
According to the report, credits with the balance sheet cost (in paper) of UAH 4.54 million are 80.7% of the bank's assets. According to independent appraisers, their cost is UAH 930 million.
The fund said that 31.1% of the portfolio of credits issued to companies (UAH 1.28 billion) is credits issued to shell companies. Some 8.3% of the bank's assets are securities (UAH 470 million in paper). Independent appraisers said that their cost is UAH 1,000. They are junk papers.
Assets for near UAH 850 million were removed from the bank through void transactions.
The fund returned credit assets for around UAH 140 million and almost all fixed assets unlawfully seized by the former top managers of the bank.
As reported, on March 19, 2015, the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) decided to revoke the banking license of Bank Kyivska Rus and liquidate it.
The bank was classified as a problem due to its failure to comply with the NBU board's decision concerning an increase of its charter capital. Subsequently, due to the inability of the bank's shareholders to ensure its capitalization according to the diagnostic examination of the bank held in 2014, the NBU board made the decision to refer to the bank as insolvent.