Famous taxi service Uber starts operating in Ukraine

The famous taxi service Uber started operating in Ukraine on June 30.
An Interfax-Ukraine correspondent has reported that General Manger in Ukraine Arkadiy Vershebeniuk broke the news at a presentation of the service in Kyiv on Thursday.
"Today Uber is officially in Kyiv," he said.
Vershebeniuk said that the booking fee is UAH 25, the cost per kilometer is UAH 4.50. The cost per minute is UAH 0.40. The base fare starts from UAH 40. Riders can use only cashless payments for taxi.
The taxi can be ordered using a mobile application and selecting the starting point and destination. Orders are processed automatically.
He said that drivers must be certified by a company or individually to start working at Uber. Drivers should have at least three years experience behind the wheel.