Surplus of Ukraine's balance of payment reaches $339 mln in Nov

The surplus of Ukraine's consolidated balance of payment in November fell to $339 million from $229 million a month ago, the National Bank of Ukraine said in a report on its website.
The central bank said that in January-November 2015 the surplus of the balance of payment reached $566 million, while in January-November 2014 its deficit was $11.046 billion.
The NBU said that in November 2015, the deficit of the current account was $114 million compared to the surplus in October, first due to the worsening of the state of foreign trade with goods.
The regulator said that the annual pace of decline in exports of goods fell by 1 percentage point year-over-year, to 22.3%, although the pace of a decline in imports slightly grew, to 22.7%.
Exports of goods fell by 3% compared to October and imports – by 8.1%.
The value of exports in November was $2.9 billion.
The value of exports fell mainly due to the further decrease in the prices of key Ukrainian raw materials. In November, the value of mineral product exports (including ores) fell by 41.8%, and ferrous metal exports dropped by 40.5%.
The value of chemical products exports fell by 38.3%. The pace of the decline in exports of engineering products slowed, to 24.5% and foods (including grain) – to 4.8%.
In January-November 2015, exports of goods fell by 31.8%. Exports to Russia plunged by 54.6%, and its share was 11.9% compared to 17.8% a year ago.
Exports to the EU decreased by 29.2%, and its share grew to 29.1% (28% a year ago).
The value of imports in November was UAH 3.3 billion.
The NBU said that the indicator fell due to the decline in energy imports – by 31.5%. Non-energy imports fall slowed to 19.4%. Imports of food decreased by 29.9%, chemical products – by 17.4% and engineering products – by 9.8%.
In January-November 2015, imports of goods fell by 33.5%. Imports from Russia fell by 40.9%, and its share decreased from 22% to 19.5%.
Imports from the EU dropped by 27.9%, and its share grew from 31.4% to 34%.
The central bank said that in November net revenue on the financial account reached $103 million, and in January-November - $162 million.
In November, net increase in foreign dent on the financial account was $442 million.
The NBU said that foreign direct investment (FDI) in November grew by $19 million. The funds were mainly sent to the banking sector. In January-November 2015, net inflow of FDI was $2.3 billion.
Net outflow on the private sector's transactions grew to $215 million in November from $80 million in October.
Ukraine's forex reserves grew to $13.1 billion or 3.2 months of imports in the future period.