11:34 02.11.2015

Export procedure for nut confectionary products to EU should be settled - Roshen

1 min read
Export procedure for nut confectionary products to EU should be settled - Roshen

Exports of Ukrainian nut and peanut-containing confectionary products (more than 20%) to EU should be resumed as soon as possible, the press service of Roshen Confectionary Corporation has reported.

The company said that according to EU Commission Implementing Regulation No. 884/2014, each imported consignment of products which contains nuts and peanuts in a quantity above 20% is to be accompanied by a health certificate.

The competent authority at the designated point of entry shall authorize the transfer of the consignment to a designated point of import which is the authorized agency in Ukraine.

"Today the issue of confirming/issuing certificates has not been settled in Ukraine, and exports of goods that contain nuts and peanuts in a quantity above 20%, including confectionary products, is impossible," the company said.

Roshen is interested in resolving the issue in the near future as the above-mentioned products under the Roshen trademark are contracted to be supplied to EU countries.