16:31 13.03.2015

Inter Media Group and Euronews agree to cooperate

1 min read
Inter Media Group and Euronews agree to cooperate

Inter Media Group holding and Euronews European TV channel have signed a cooperation agreement to develop Ukraine's version of Euronews.

"The agreement foresees that the Ukrainian team of Euronews will work in Lyon and Kyiv to create content for the Ukrainian version of Euronews that will be broadcasted worldwide, and [the team will also work] on an extended Ukrainian version for the Ukrainian audience. The plan of local development of Euronews in Ukraine requires additional TV journalists and experts in Kyiv," reads the statement issued by the holding's press service.

As reported, in January, 2014 Ukraine's State Committee for Television and Radio Broadcasting put forward an initiative to stop Euronews broadcasting in Ukrainian. According to the decree of the Cabinet of Ministers, the National Television Company of Ukraine (NTCU) is to break the license agreement with the international TV channel. In addition, NTCU must stop producing content in Ukrainian language and must sell 2,950 Euronews shares belonging to the company.