13:24 02.01.2015

Amendments to laws on Ukrainian pension system take effect

2 min read
Amendments to laws on Ukrainian pension system take effect

On January 1, 2015 a law on amending certain Ukrainian laws regulating the pension system in Ukraine, and revoking some laws, took effect.

Contributory retirement pensions, and long-service pensions awarded to Ukrainians under the requirements of the law on civil service, the law on scientific and scientific and technological activities, the law on public prosecution and the law on the status of lawmaker of Ukraine are set at 60% of wages.

Life allowance for retired judges is also set at 60%.

The procedure for the revision of pensions awarded to lawmakers of Ukraine, prosecutors, judges and civil servants will be defined by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

The law also foresees that the procedure for awarding supplementary pension for damage caused to people's health, the minimum disability pensions to persons suffering from the Chornobyl disaster; compensations to members of their families and bonuses to pensions given to children of war is changed. These allowances are defined by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

Starting from January 1, 2015, average wages for 2011, 2012 and 2013 are used to define pensions, under the law on mandatory state retirement insurance.

Legislative requirements on the possibility of awarding persons who were dismissed within no more than one year and a half before the pension age, due to the liquidation of enterprises, organizations, workforce reduction and for health reasons, with pensions have been canceled.