12:27 22.05.2018

UEFA partner Gazprom ad removed from Champions League final fan zone in Khreschatyk

2 min read
UEFA partner Gazprom ad removed from Champions League final fan zone in Khreschatyk

There won't be separate large location of Russia's Gazprom as a partner of UEFA in the territory of the Champions Festival in Khreschatyk, which will work from May 24 to May 27 for the fans and guests of the UEFA Champions League final in Kyiv, while the issue of another minor advertising of this company is still being discussed.

"We are in the process of finding a solution. There was certain misunderstanding, as we clearly stated that there could be no appearance of Gazprom, and it was accepted and documented that this would not happen. First of all, the matter concerns the absence of separate location and major advertising," the official representative of Kyiv City State Administration for preparing and holding the finals of the Champions League 2018 in Kyiv, Andriy Miroshnychenko, told Interfax-Ukraine.

He noted that the issue of placing small logos of Gazprom in the list of other partners of the UEFA Champions League is still being decided, the decision will be made soon.

The UEFA Champions Festival is an annual event that takes place in the city hosting the Champions League finals among women's and men's teams.

This year the Champions Festival will be held in Khreschatyk in Kyiv on May 24-27.