13:00 18.07.2022

Lawyer in Vinnytsia: choose a lawyer for quick and effective dispute

4 min read

Адвокат Малик Олександр

A personal lawyer https://www.malyk.com.ua/ will help speed up the resolution of disputed issues, save your time, money and morale. The quality of the services you receive depends on a number of factors such as:

  • education;
  • work experience in general and in narrow areas;
  • professional development;
  • personal attitude to professional duties.

Therefore, it is important to pay attention to these moments when the question of choosing a specialist in your case arises.

Let's get to know each other: Oleksandr Malyk is a lawyer in Vinnytsia.

Oleksandr Malyk has been engaged in private law practice for two years. But this is only the tip of the iceberg of his professional path. The decision to use my knowledge for competent assistance in private practice came after a long period of study, as well as working in the court in various positions. Why is this important? Because this private lawyer https://www.malyk.com.ua/service/family/simeinyi-advokat understands the intricacies of court proceedings, he can predict many nuances that will speed up the positive resolution of the dispute.

Адвокат Малик Олександр

Obtaining an education

Quality education is the initial stage of formation of professional knowledge, abilities and skills. It is important that the educational institution not only provides thorough theory, but also takes care of ensuring effective practice. A significant role is also played by the teaching staff — their ability not only to provide information, but also to instill in students an awareness of the importance of the profession. After all, only a private lawyer who lives his business can perform his duties well.

This is the educational level of the Kyiv University of Law of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, where Oleksandr Malyk studied. However, the training did not end there, and advanced training took place at the Donetsk National University named after Vasyl Stus.

The result of the study is the degree of master of law.

Professional activity


Lawyer Oleksandr Malyk gained the lion's share of practical experience in the Vinnytsia City Court of the Vinnytsia Region. Six years of work in various positions (including court secretary, judge's assistant) are six years of continuous practice and study of court processes from the inside.

Such experience is difficult to overestimate, as it provides certain advantages:

  • understanding of customer problems;
  • understanding of judicial algorithms;
  • effective preparation taking into account various possible pitfalls.

In addition, over the years of work, the knowledge of laws, the ability to resolve controversial issues, listen to people's needs and find ways to solve them were constantly deepened.

In addition to legal practice, private lawyer Oleksandr Malyk was a long-term member of the board of the Branch of the Association of Lawyers of Ukraine in the Vinnytsia region (2014-2020).

The private practice, which has been going on for more than two years, is more than 500 clients who have received professional services in various directions.

Private lawyer: specialization

Each personal lawyer https://www.malyk.com.ua/service/family/rozirvannia-shliubu-z-inozemtsem has more experience and practice in various fields. Of course, if necessary, a lawyer can provide advice on any issue. Since consultations are always preceded by preliminary preparation: studying innovations, if they exist, studying similar cases in the practice of colleagues, etc. However, there is usually a defined range of problems on which a lawyer focuses. Lawyer in Vinnytsia Oleksandr Malyk mainly works with:

  • civil disputes;
  • family disputes;
  • disputes over real estate;
  • administrative disputes;
  • disputes in cases about administrative offenses;
  • labor disputes;
  • customs disputes;
  • tax disputes.

In-depth study of the issue, knowledge of the regulatory and legal framework, the ability to operate with this knowledge is the key to effective activity and adequate assessment of the situation.

Personal attitude to the profession

Oleksandr Malyk is a lawyer in Vinnytsia who believes in an important principle in his work: to understand and help. Conscientious performance of one's duties is the cornerstone of building a fundamentally new society. A society in which everyone tries to do their work effectively is oriented only towards this.

That is why the assessment of the situation and the most accurate forecast of its solution is an important rule. If the decision can be negative for the client, he will know about it immediately.

A personal lawyer is a help in various matters that can help save time and get a positive resolution. Choose those specialists whose professional and human qualities do not cause you any doubts.