11:53 26.04.2018

III Ukrainian Infrastructure Forum took place in Kyiv on April 19

6 min read

On April 19, 2018, the III "Ukrainian Infrastructure Forum" was hold in Kyiv, the largest forum in Ukraine focusing on attracting investments into the infrastructure sector. Forum organizer - A7 CONFERENCES. Solar Energy Partner - RENTECHNO, Partner – Lemtrans. Legal Airline Partner – Ecovis, Official Carrier - Turkish Airlines, Business Travel Partner – AirLife. Investment Partner - A7 CAPITAL.

The main focus of the Ukrainian Infrastructure Forum is the investment opportunities of the local infrastructure market. This year was already the third forum, which became the largest event in Ukraine, bringing together more than 250 participants, 132 media representatives and 30 speakers. The urgent issues of Ukrainian infrastructure, issues and achievements were discussed at the Ukrainian Infrastructure Forum.

The first and main session of the Forum is devoted to investments. The main purpose of the Forum is to attract international investors to Ukrainian infrastructure projects. Maria Barabash, President of A7 GROUP, Co-founder of the Union of Ukrainian Entrepreneurs, spoke about the priority of infrastructure for investors: "I believe that Ukraine is the right place, the right time and the right people to work with and invest in Ukraine, so the mission of A7 GROUP is to promote Ukraine's interests abroad. We have conceived this forum to attract foreign interest to Ukraine. investors and foreign partners. I am very grateful that we are getting together each year and we are getting bigger!"

The Forum's emphasis was also on legislative readiness of the state to help Ukrainian infrastructure projects attract investment. Viktor Dovgan, Deputy Minister of Infrastructure of Ukraine on European Integration, noted a few important steps to be taken: "It is important to reach the sustainable development of logistics; development of logistics potential; strengthening of multimodal interconnections between different types of transport; modernization of logistics and transport infrastructure; simplification of customs procedures; promoting energy efficient transport, etc".

Also discussed were air transport, rail and suburban transport, as well as logistics in Ukraine. Yevgeny Kravtsov, Chairman of the Board, PJSC "Ukrzaliznytsya", spoke about several key initiatives and directions on which today the Ukrainian railway is operating: "Railway is the basis of our transport system. Station complexes, as one of the elements of passenger infrastructure in general, should be the first step in the search for mechanisms to increase profitability and attract private capital to passenger transportation."

Volodymyr Mezentsev, General Director, Lemtrans, said: "If we follow the logic of the reform, we need to give a clear answer to the question of the liberalization of the traction market, "Ukrzaliznytsia" should open markets for private investors more quickly. It should be understood that the emergence of private traction today is not an end in itself but a means of improving the transportation process. ton of cargo - this is the loss of railways, shippers, operators and losses of the economy of Ukraine."

Slavomir Novak, V.O. Chairman, State Agency of Motor Roads of Ukraine: "In a year and a half we have introduced a number of systemic changes that allow the industry to develop. We are implementing two fundamental reforms of the road industry. First, it is decentralization. From January 1, on the shoulders of the Regional Administration and governors, we transferred 120 thousand kilometers of roads. At the central level, there are 50 thousand kilometers. The reform must be continued. The second reform is the road fund. This is a European standard, which started work here on January 1, 2018. It allows you to plan transparently and intelligently when we will repair roads. Over the past year and a half, we can say that we have introduced a constitution for road transport. The medium-term Development Program has recently been approved by the Cabinet of Ministers. It became an executive act of this Constitution. The 2018-2022 program is the first large-scale five-year plan for developing the industry. As a result, over 5 years, we plan to connect high-quality roads to all regional centers of the country."

Among the key speakers of the Forum: Yaroslav Dubnevych, Head of the Committee on Transport, Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Dincer Sayici, General Manager in Kyiv, Turkish Airlines, Viktor Dovgan, Deputy Minister for European Integration, Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine, Yevgen Kravtsov, Acting Chairman of the Management Board, JSC "Ukrzaliznytsia", Maria Barabash, President, A7 GROUP, Co-founder, Union of Ukrainian Entrepreneurs, Volodymyr Mezentsev, Chief Executive Officer, Lemtrans, Volodymyr Shulmeister, First Deputy Minister of Infrastructure of Ukraine (2014-2016), Head of “Infrastructure of the Future” Program, Ukrainian Institute for the Future, Victor Chumak,  Deputy Head of the Committee on the Prevention and Counteraction of Corruption, Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Sławomir Nowak, Acting Head, State Agency of Automobile Roads of Ukraine,  Marina Petrov, Deputy Director in Ukraine, EBRD, Pavlo Ryabikin,Chief Executive Officer, Boryspil Airport, Olena Voloshina, Head of Representative Office in Ukraine, International Finance Corporation, Oksana Diagilieva, Director of department on studies and investigations in the non-production markets, Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine, Oleg Bondar, Managing Partner, ECOVIS Bondar & Bondar, Alex Onatskiy, Regional Manager for Ukraine, Georgia and Armenia, IATA, Yevgeniy Dykhne, Deputy CEO, Boryspil Airport, Dmytro Babeichuk, Director, UkSATSE, Olena Kashperska, CEO, Airlife, Sergiy Fomenko, Vice-President, Ukrainian International Airlines, Anton Sabaleuski, Director in Strategic Development and Investment Policy, JSC "Ukrzaliznytsia", Yuriy Tverdov, Deputy Director of the State Policy Department in the field of railway transport, Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine, Mark Magaletsky, Senior Banker, Head of Infrastructure in Ukraine, EBRD, Dmytro Bespalov, Chief Executive Officer, A+S Ukraine, Sinan Haseki, Commercial Leader, General Electric Transportation, Andrii Shkliar, Head of Advisory, Centre for Transport Strategies, Andrii Shkliar, Head of Advisory, Centre for Transport Strategies, Oleksandr Pertsovskyi, Chief Operating Officer, Ukrposhta, Viktor Zagreba, Reform Support Team, Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine, Andrii Ivasiv, Co-founder, Delivery Group and others.

Forum organizer - A7 CONFERENCES. Solar Energy Partner - RENTECHNO, Partner –

Lemtrans. Legal Airline Partner – Ecovis, Official Carrier - Turkish Airlines, Business Travel Partner – AirLife. Investment Partner - A7 CAPITAL. General Informational TV Partner – News One. Exclusive TV Partner – The first business channel. General Informational Partner – RBC Ukraine. General News Partner – Interfax-Ukraine. General Radio Partner – The voice of the capital.  Exclusive Business Media Partner – Business magazine. International Business Media Partner – UBJ. General Business Media Partner – Focus. Informational Analytic Partner - Liga.zakon. Media Partners: Novoje Vremia, Kapstroitelstvo, Ecology of entrepreneurship, Liga.net, International Journal "Shipping", BuildPortal, Delo.ua, magazine Pereviznyk, Center for Transport Strategies, Terminal magazine. Supported by: American Chamber of Commerce, Kyiv Post, Ukrainian Association of Investment Business, All-Ukrainian Center for Transport Infrastructure Reforms, Council of Entrepreneurs at the CMU, Equipment and Tools for Professionals, AMUE, Focus Industry, Union of Entrepreneurs of Ukraine, etc.

Photo and video materials via the link: a7conf.com/infra

More details by tel.: +38 044 227 27 77, +38 096 515 43 90, [email protected]

(contact person: Victoria Shcherbatyuk, Communications Manager).

Interfax Ukraine – Informational Partner of the Forum