Etalon Corporation will supply 43 school buses to Kyiv region for UAH 127.7 mln, 28 to Odesa region for UAH 82.5 mln

Etalon Auto Trading House will supply Kyiv Regional State Administration with 43 school buses manufactured by Chernihiv Bus Plant for UAH 127.71 million by the beginning of the academic year, with the expected purchase amount of UAH 127.839 million.
According to information in ProZorro, the corresponding agreement was signed by the parties on July 12 following the results of the procurement carried out by Kyiv Regional State Administration under the procedure for requesting a price offer (in ProZorro Market), announced on June 28.
The second participant in the procedure was the dealer of the plant Cherkasy Bus with an offer of Ataman buses for the expected price (UAH 127.839 million).
In addition, on July 10, Etalon Auto Trade House signed a contract for the supply of 28 school buses to Odesa Regional State Administration for UAH 82.46 million (the expected purchase amount is UAH 82.6 million). The second participant offered ZAZ buses for UAH 82.6 million.
Etalon Corporation includes 21 enterprises. The main directions are the production of auto and electric vehicles, mechanical engineering, and warehouse logistics.
Earlier, the corporation assumed that the educational subvention for 2023 for the purchase of school buses, despite an increase by almost a third - from UAH 753 million to UAH 1 billion – would make it possible to approximately purchase 450-500 buses, i.e. the same as in 2022, taking into account the increase in bus prices.