12:25 08.10.2021

Supreme Court sends appeal to Constitutional Court on constitutionality of law on appointment of HCJ members

1 min read
Supreme Court sends appeal to Constitutional Court on constitutionality of law on appointment of HCJ members

The Supreme Court has sent an appeal from the High Council of Justice (HCJ) to the Constitutional Court regarding the unconstitutionality of the provisions of the law on the procedure for appointing (HCJ) members.

Such a decision was adopted by the judges of the Supreme Court at the plenum on Friday. Some 129 judges voted for, 15 were against.

Speaking at the plenum with the reasoning of the appeal to the Constitutional Court, head of the Supreme Court Valentyna Danishevska noted that the implementation of the judicial reform must be "secured against violations of the Constitution."

"For me personally, this step [appeal to the Constitutional Court] is the responsibility of the Supreme Court .... It is needed by those who will implement this reform ... so that every action of the Ethics Council is not appealed," the head of the Supreme Court emphasized.