08:18 21.07.2019

Deputy FM Zerkal receives copies of credentials from new Germany's Ambassador to Ukraine Anka Feldhusen

2 min read

Acting Minister for Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Deputy Foreign Minister for European Integration Olena Zerkal (Minister Pavlo Klimkin is on vacation) has received copies of credentials from the newly appointed German Ambassador to Ukraine Anka Feldhusen, the press service of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry said on Friday.

"On July 19, both diplomats noted the positive bilateral cooperation between Ukraine and Germany. Zerkal underlined Berlin's support of Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity, as well as Germany's role in strengthening international support for Ukraine in countering Russian aggression. They stressed the considerable practical assistance provided by the Government of Germany for the reform process in Ukraine as well as the steady growth of bilateral trade and investments," the message reads.

Zerkal shared with the German Ambassador the recent developments in the international trials of Ukraine against Russia. She expressed confidence that Germany would continue to support Ukraine's efforts aimed at the unconditional implementation by Moscow of the decisions of the international courts.

"She also underlined the importance of further cooperation with Germany to effectively implement the European Commission's directives aimed at strengthening energy security and competition on the EU's internal gas market," the Foreign Ministry said.

Feldhusen praised the free and democratic elections noting that they are an important benchmark of Ukraine's progress on the path of democracy.

Zerkal made reference to Anka Feldhusen's previous postings as a German diplomat in Kyiv, remarking that this would be to her great advantage as an effective Ambassador. She wished her a successful tenure in her mission in Ukraine.