Amendments to Ukraine-EU Association Agreement not foreseen

The referendum in the Netherlands would not affect the Ukraine-EU Association Agreement and the visa liberalization regime for Ukrainians, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin has said.
"We are not planning to make any amendments to the Agreement. This is not only Ukraine's position, but the position of other EU member states which sent the ratification instruments to Brussels," Klimkin told reporters on April 15 on the sidelines of the 9th Kyiv Security Forum.
The minister said that the referendum in the Netherlands and events after it would not influence the process of introducing visa free regime for Ukrainians by the EU. It is pegged only to the observation of criteria included in the road map.
"We have implemented them [the criteria]. The European Commission in coming days is to start formal work with the European Parliament and the European Union," Klimkin said.
On April 12, the official results of the advisory referendum on the Act of the Dutch Parliament on the approval of the Association Agreement between the European Union and Ukraine. Thus, 61% (2.509 million voters) voted against its passing, 38.21% voted in its favor (1.572 million voters) and 0.79% cast a blank vote (32,344 voters). Out of a total of 12.863 million persons eligible to vote, 4.151 million voters did exercise this right.
"This amounts to a voter turnout of 32.38%, meaning that the turnout threshold of 30% was reached. In consequence, the results of the referendum constitute an advisory opinion rejecting the Act approving the Association Agreement. This means that the government is to reconsider the Act. The results of an advisory referendum are not binding," reads a report posted on official website of the Dutch Electoral Council.