Three power units of Burshtyn TPP work for united energy system for first time since 2002

Three power units of Burshtyn thermal power plant (TPP, DTEK Zakhidenergo) have operated for the united energy system of Ukraine for the first time since 2002, when the station was included in simultaneous operation with ENTSO-E (formerly UCTE), the press service of Ukrenergo has reported.
According to its information, the switching of power units Nos. 8, 9 and 11 (about 200 MW to cover peak loads) to the united energy system of Ukraine in the period from January 26 to January 28, 2018 was necessary because of a significant drop in temperature reaching 18 degrees below zero.
Ukrenergo notes that until recently the scheme of operation of the Burshtyn TPP energy island provided for the possibility of work of only two power units (Nos. 8 and 9) both for the island network and the united energy system of Ukraine.
The technical solution proposed by Ukrenergo to use power unit No. 11 of Burshtyn thermal power plant was approved in May 2017, after which work was carried out on the implementation of technical measures at the station to enable switching.
"The inclusion of the three power units of Burshtyn TPP in operation for the united energy system of Ukraine will continue to be used with unconditional provision of balancing of the Burshtyn TPP energy island," the press service noted.