Four disputes between Ukraine and Russia being settled in WTO

Today the World Trade Organization is settling four disputes between Ukraine and Russia: in two of them Ukraine is a claimant, and in another two the country is a defendant, Deputy Minister of Economic Development and Trade, Ukraine's Trade Representative Natalia Mykolska said in an interview with the Dzerkalo Tyzhnia.Ukraine (ZN.UA) weekly.
According to her, one of the Ukrainian complaints concerns railway communication and wagons: in this case the Ukrainian side has advanced most of all. The decision in it is expected in April 2018.
"The Russian side is deliberately dragging out the process with a variety of procedural traps, starting with the appointment of arbitrators. Unfortunately, the Russian Federation does not allow us to move as quickly as we want," Mykolska said.
The second lawsuit concerns the prohibition of transit - this case also moves slowly.
"We have been paying a lot of attention to the legal advisers involved in this matter in order to avoid dragging out by Russian Federation because, from the point of view of the economy and interests of the state, this business is very important. It concerns not only the prohibition of transit imposed by the presidential decree and the blocking of transit for a number of goods to third countries, but also the ban in the decisions of the Rospotrebnadzor [Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing]. "These are actually four large groups of claims," Mykolska said.