17:55 02.08.2017

Geology service preparing decision to extend Ukrnafta licenses for 20 years

1 min read
Geology service preparing decision to extend Ukrnafta licenses for 20 years

The State Service of Geology and Mineral Resources is preparing a decision to extend the special permits of PJSC Ukrnafta for subsoil use for 20 years, the press service of the agency has reported.

"A meeting of the commission on subsoil use took place at the service on July 20, at which a positive decision was made to extend the licenses for Ukrnafta for 20 years," the report said.

The press service of Ukrnafta told Interfax-Ukraine there is no final decision on extending the licenses stipulated by an order of the geology service head.

As reported, Ukrnafta in early 2017 halted production at six fields in Sumy and Lviv regions due to non-extension of special permits for subsoil use. Nine licenses of Ukrnafta will expire in 2017, 27 in 2018, and 22 more in 2019.