National Health Service, Health Ministry to monitor quality of medical services

Quality of medical services will be monitored by Ukraine's National Health Service (NHS) along with the Health Ministry of Ukraine, Deputy Health Minister Pavlo Kovtoniuk has said.
"Statements that the NHS will along order [medical services] and control everything on its own are false," Kovtoniuk told the Kyiv-based Interfax-Ukraine news agency.
Kovtoniuk said Health Ministry initiatives provide for the NHS to control the quality of services on the level of contracts it will conclude with health institutions, while the Health Ministry will control the quality of licensed medical services.
"If a doctor or a hospital does something that contradicts the status of doctor of the statute of a health organization, it is not a matter for the NHS, but a matter for the license issuing agency. It will be the ministry's job. That's how we see the mechanism for the short and medium term," he said.
The deputy minister said the mechanism is enshrined in law.
"Licensing medical institutions is the prerogative of the health ministry. That does not change. It relates to the control over, for example, a doctor's mistake. There is another level of control, for example, the quality of service. The NHS will oversee this, based on the contract with the medical institution," he said.
As earlier reported, 227 Verkhovna Rada members on Thursday voted to adopt bill No. 6327 on state financial guarantees for medical services and medicines, but failed to pass bill No. 6329 on introducing changes to the Budget Code in the part on financing health care. Both pieces of legislation are part of Ukraine's health reform.