11:25 22.03.2017

Ukrgasbank denies information spread in media on blocking currency transactions

2 min read
Ukrgasbank denies information spread in media on blocking currency transactions

Ukrgasbank (Kyiv) continues settling all payments of clients, including in foreign currency, in full amount and without any restrictions, the bank has said on its website.

"Information spread in media that payments in the U.S. dollars have been suspended is incorrect, as this suspension concerns the clients of those banks that do not have direct correspondent accounts at foreign financial institutions and operate via loro accounts in Ukrgasbank. These transactions were suspended only under the initiative of Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas New York and has no relation to the current operations and financial state of Ukrgasbank," the press service of the bank said.

Unofficially the bank confirms the likelihood that the stoppage of servicing correspondent accounts of loro correspondent banks is linked to an investigation into the removal of funds from Russia.

"First of all, this decision of Deutsche Bank is linked to the incompliance of small banks to European practice. There were no claims to Ukrgasbank," a source of Interfax-Ukraine said.

Ukrgasbank was created in 1993. By January 2017 the state owned 94.9409% of its shares.

Ukrgasbank ranked fifth among 93 operating banks in the country on January 1, 2017 in terms of assets (UAH 53.681 billion), according to the National Bank of Ukraine.