New alternate executive director of IMF for Ukraine appointed

Former deputy head of the National Bank of Ukraine Vladyslav Rashkovan has been appointed new Alternate Executive Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for Ukraine.
The NBU said on its website that the Executive Directors of the IMF Dutch Constituency led by Belgium and the Netherlands made the decision.
Rashkovan will take office as the Alternate Executive Director from February 27, 2017. The Alternate Executive Director of the IMF is appointed for a four-year term.
Earlier Oleksandr Petryk ran the post. NBU Governor and Executive Director of the IMF for Ukraine is Valeriya Gontareva.
In April 2014, Rashkovantook charge of the NBU banking system strategy and reforming department. From April 2014, Rashkovan served as a member of the NBU Board, and from November 2014 to 1 August 2016 as NBU Deputy Governor responsible for reforms and transformation of the regulator.