Ukrgasbank technically ready for private investors

State-run Ukrgasbank (Kyiv) is technically ready for arrival of private investors to its capital, but the situation on the market does not allow finding the buyer, Deputy Finance Minister of Ukraine Yuriy Butsa has said.
"Ukrgasbank is the bank that is ready for arrival of private investors most of all. The only issue that every product has its market… We are ready from the technical point of view, but the question is in availiblity of the market for selling it," Butsa told reporters on Wednesday.
He did not disclose information if international financial institutions (IFIs) preliminary appraise state-run banks.
Butsa also said that in medium term outlook state-run banks could be fully or partially privatized.
"Any arrival of a high-quality foreign investor always adds value to an asset even if the state owns a part of it," he said.