Finance ministry to place government domestic loan bonds under anonymous bids from Feb

The National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) has revised requirements to anonymity of applications of participants during the placement of government domestic loan bonds, the central bank has reported.
Amendments to the rules of holding transactions related to the placement of government domestic loan bonds were approved by the Finance Ministry. They are outlined in NBU resolution No. 417 dated December 28, 2016.
The amendments will take effect on February 19, 2017.
The NBU said that now authorized persons of the NBU and Finance Ministry will have access only to information about numbers and types of bids of participants during the placement of the bonds.
Access to the contents of the bids will be opened gradually when the term to submit the bids expires: first authorized persons of the NBU and Finance Ministry will receive information about the contents of competitive and uncompetitive bids without specifying names of bidders. The access to the list of bidders will be opened after completion of the bond placement and informing the participants about the results of the placement.
The list of participants which bids were rejected will be available for authorized persons of the NBU and Finance Ministry from the moment when the bids are rejected.
The NBU expects that the revised rules of placing government domestic loan bonds would help to increase fairness of consideration of the bids.