Construction ministry, BRDO to work on improving construction markets regulation in 2017

Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Utilities Economy Ministry of Ukraine jointly with the Better Regulation Delivery Office (BRDO) seek to work on improving regulation of the construction markets in 2017, Deputy Minister Lev Partskhaladze has said.
"Ukraine has 55 markets in the construction sector, including 48 of them relating to construction materials… Jointly with BRDO team we held meetings of working groups and determined the target for next year where we want to revise the markets," he said at a briefing in Kyiv last week.
Partskhaladze said that the ministry and BRDO would draw up amendments to regulatory acts and submit them to the government. The work will first aim at boosting investment attractiveness of the construction sphere and protecting investors' rights.
"We have methods designed jointly with the European Commission, the World Bank Group and they could apply in Ukraine. We will try to sit at a table with each business from one market to another and discuss what they are alarmed with and find a comprehensive approach to settling the issue," BRDO Head Oleksiy Honcharuk said.
Construction Section Head at BRDO Olena Shuliak said that the ministry jointly with BRDO conducted a stocktaking of all legal acts in the construction sphere.
"Each market will be divided into concrete business processes. A list of legal acts and regulatory cases will be drawn up for each business process. In other words this is the list of the problems or solutions influencing the process on the market," Shuliak said.