Kernel manager sells 15,000 shares worth $230,000

A legal entity, controlled by one of the managers of the Kernel group of companies, on November 30, 2016 sold 15,000 shares of Kernel Holding S.A. (Luxembourg).
According to a report by Kernel on the Warsaw Stock Exchange (WSE), the average price of one share was PLN65.2 ($15.41 per share at the current exchange rate).
According to the WSE, Kernel's stock price on December 2 grew by 0.93%, to PLN65.9 per unit.
Kernel is the world's largest producer and exporter of sunflower oil, the leading manufacturer and supplier of agricultural products from the Black Sea region to the world markets.
The company in the first quarter of the 2017 fiscal year (FY, July 2016-June 2017) received $63.07 million in net profit, which is 2.6 times more than in the same period of 2016 FY. Its revenues increased by 2%, to $384.06 million.
The company's shares have been traded on the WSE since November 2007. Their price started from PLN24 per share. Currently 79,683,410 securities are in circulation.