Losses from ASF outbreaks in Ukraine estimated at UAH 25 mln since early 2016

Since early 2016 some 9,100 pigs were killed in Ukraine due to African Swine Fever (ASF) and this resulted in a loss of UAH 25 million, the Ukrainian Agribusiness Club (UCAB) has said.
According to the Tuesday press release of UCAB, it could be 100-110 outbreaks of ASF in 2017, and each fourth outbreak could be recorded at farms.
The Ukraine's State Service for Food Safety and Consumers' Rights Protection asks the Verkhovna Rada and government to foresee some UAH 200 million to monitor the anti-epizootic situation.
The draft national budget foresees UAH 56.8 million for anti-epizootic measures next year.
"We will not be able to fight those risks we have in the cattle and pig breeding sector in Ukraine with this financing," Service Head Volodymyr Lapa said at the press conference in Kyiv on Tuesday.
He said government and lawmakers understand the situation with financing at the agency.
The agency intends to send these funds to fight ASF, lumpy skin disease (LSD), rabies, cattle leucosis and other things.