12:30 28.09.2023

Ranking Score: Ukrainian Politics through Sociology Prism in 2023

1 min read

On Thursday, September 28, at 13.00, the press center of the Interfax-Ukraine News Agency will host a press conference by the United Ukraine Analytical Center on the subject: "Ranking Score: Ukrainian Politics through Sociology Prism in 2023". 

Participants include

political scientist, Doctor of Political Science Petro Oleschuk,
international relations expert Dmytro Levus,
political analyst, PhD Valentyn Hladkykh,
political scientist, international relations expert, co-founder of the United Ukraine Analytical Center Anton Kuchukhidze (8/5a Reitarska Street).

The event will be streamed on the YouTube channel of Interfax-Ukraine.

Admission of journalists requires registration on the spot. Additional information on the website: and by e-mail: [email protected].