14:35 04.11.2024

New free bulletin board BAGO.UA

2 min read

A brand new Startup in 2024 has pleased us with a Ukrainian developer.

A couple of months ago, a new Ukrainian free classifieds board BAGO.UA, created by a group of Ukrainian developers, entered the e-commerce market. 

By classification BAGO.UA is not just a noticeboard, it is a full-fledged marketplace at an early stage of development.


And here it is: First Impression...

 ‘.... board BAGO - will definitely please users who like to work at a desktop computer. The sleek design of the PC version, convenient and understandable rubricator will not leave almost anyone indifferent. ’

The mobile version of the site is also made very attractively, but the mast head is, of course, the PC version.

What first catches the eye

Painfully familiar appearance of the main page - which is typical for most noticeboards, and something suggests that it is borrowed from somewhere, but still, the main page has its own and unique design

Beautiful design and a convenient ‘ladder’ of subcategories of the 2nd order rubrics.


Convenient and elaborate rubricator, more developed than the competitors.

Human and pleasant personal cabinet, with convenient advertising and sorting of adverts. 

All content is moderated, which increases its safety 

Convenient and elaborate filter system

Login/registration is linked to a phone number

When registering, the user receives a welcome bonus, with which he can check and try out the paid functionality of the site, without additional costs. 

How can I get free bonuses on BAGO?  

And right away about the good stuff! Enter the promo code on the balance page: interfax

What are the disadvantages of the bago board?

Limited functionality of the marketplace, but since the marketplace has just opened - this is common for projects at the MVP stage. 


There is no Safe Order on the Bago noticeboard yet, but they promise to make it (people are already used to and spoilt with Safe Order + delivery services).

Lack of a full-fledged application for smartphones. Although the mobile version is made as an App, but it is a browser version. 

What's the Bottom Line?

BAGO leaves a pleasant impression of a convenient and well-thought-out solution, which will definitely take its place among the platforms specialising in e-commerce. 

On BAGO you can submit or post an advert for free.