12:50 21.04.2021

Over 60% of Ukrainians believe there is war between Ukraine, Russia in Donbas - poll

3 min read

Some 64% of Ukrainians are of the opinion that there is a war between Ukraine and Russia in Donbas, according to a sociological study on the attitude of Ukrainian society to the escalation of the conflict in Donbas, conducted by the Ukrainian Institute for the Future (UIF) with the assistance of New Image Marketing Groups.

According to the study, which was presented in the Interfax-Ukraine agency on Wednesday, 64% of respondents believe that there is an armed conflict/war between Ukraine and Russia in Donbas, 17% indicated that an armed conflict is taking place in the East of Ukraine between the authorities of Ukraine and self-proclaimed republics, which are supported by the Russian government, some 6% said that Ukraine has become a site of hostilities, inspired by the State Department, some 3% consider that there is a civil conflict in the East of Ukraine, inspired by the Ukrainian government, under the guise of fighting separatism, 2% believe that there is an armed conflict in Donbas between the authorities of Ukraine and the self-proclaimed republics ("L/DPR"), Russia has nothing to do with the conflict.

Thus, 70% of respondents cite the unwillingness of Russian authorities to end the armed conflict/war in Donbas as the main reason that prevents the end of it. Some 24% believe that the reason is the unwillingness to finish it on the part of the self-proclaimed republics ("L/DPR"), 23% think that the reason is unwillingness to finish it on the part of Ukrainian authorities, 21% consider that the reason is unwillingness to finish it on the part of interested persons from Western countries.

When asked how they feel about Russia's condition on recognizing "L/DPR" as part of Ukraine, as autonomous (areas) with a right to have its own police and courts, 53% of respondents indicated that the borders of Ukraine should be restored at any cost, and Luhansk and Donetsk returned to Ukraine, on equal terms with other regions.

Some 21% noted that there is no point in returning these territories now, it is worth freezing the conflict and leaving everything as it is until a real and peaceful way of returning the occupied territories appears. Some 7% believe that "L/DPR" should receive autonomy within Ukraine, with a right to have their own police and courts, 2% think that "L/DPR" should join Russia, 1% - that Ukraine should recognize independence "L/DNR".

The survey was conducted throughout Ukraine, except for the temporarily uncontrolled territories of Donetsk and Luhansk regions and occupied Autonomous Republic of Crimea, some 1,148 respondents took part in it.

The research was carried out by the method of an online survey using an interactive structured questionnaire, a link to which was sent to potential respondents from the database. Sample is multistage, combined - proportionally stratified by region, with quota screening at the stage of respondent selection.

The sample represents the adult population of Ukraine, Internet users aged 18 and over. The statistical error with a probability of 0.95 does not exceed 3.5%.