14:27 25.04.2018

More than 2 mln Ukrainians working in Poland – Polish-Ukrainian Economic Chamber

2 min read

KYIV. April 25 (Interfax-Ukraine) – About 2 million Ukrainians work in Poland, and the need for foreign workers will only grow, Chairman of the Polish-Ukrainian Economic Chamber, former Polish Economy Minister Jacek Piechota has said.

"Last year in Poland, more than 1.7 million documents were issued that allow Ukrainians temporary employment in the territory of the Republic of Poland ... Together with those people who work illegally - about 2 million Ukrainians who work in Poland," he said at a press conference, titled "Legal employment of Ukrainians in Poland as a prospect of Ukraine's rapid European integration," he said at the Kyiv-based Interfax-Ukraine news agency on Wednesday.

According to Piechota, in the future, given that the Polish economy continues to grow rapidly, there will be a need for foreign workers.

In turn, the president of the All-Ukrainian Association of Companies for International Employment Vasyl Voskoboynyk said Ukrainians employed in Poland, should not pay intermediaries.

"Ukrainians need to know that they need to look for work in Poland only through licensed companies in Ukraine, which are responsible for where they send people. It is better to work at large enterprises where salary goes to a bank card and all the protection norms provided by Polish labor law are observed, including social insurance," Voskoboynyk said.

He added that Ukrainian licensed intermediary companies should receive income not from individuals, but from foreign employers.