President calls for speeding up road maintenance in Cherkasy region

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has said maintenance and building works on the motorways in Cherkasy and Cherkasy regions should be done as soon as possible.
The president stressed how a by-pass road is important for citizens, the president's press service said about Zelensky's working trip to Cherkasy on Wednesday.
"The road must be repaired this year since the Cherkasy region residents are complaining about it. They need this road. It is just nine kilometers long," Zelensky was quoted as saying, adding that just two kilometers have already been repaired.
When Zelensky asked if it was possible to maintain the road to Uman for a year, acting State Highways Agency Head Slavomir Novak said it was possible if proper financing will be provided.
Acting head of the agency in Cherkasy region Vladyslav Demydenko said funds are prioritized for roads of international importance.
The president offered to change the status of certain motorways to make their maintenance of top priority.