Savchenko demands she be convoyed in presence of lawyers or Ukrainian representatives

Convicted on the charge of involvement in the killing of Russian journalists, Ukrainian pilot Nadia Savchenko has handed over a written statement in which she confirmed that she will begin a dry hunger strike on April 6, her lawyer Nikolai Polozov said on his Facebook page.
"I announce an indefinite dry hunger strike beginning from April 6, 2016. I forbid [them] from convoying me anywhere expect for Ukraine. I demand [they] convoy me only in the presence of representatives of the Ukrainian side, Ukrainian consuls in Rostov or my lawyers," Polozov said in a statement on Facebook.
Additionally, the Ukrainian pilot wrote in her statement that she bans Russian doctors from examining her and trying to make her stop a dry hunger strike by force.
"I forbid [them] from making me stop a dry hunger strike by force and transferring me anywhere from a ward, except for the return to Ukraine! I will view any use of physical force or moral and psychological pressure against me as torture and will resist it," Savchenko wrote.
On Tuesday, the verdict against Ukrainian pilot Savchenko, who was sentenced to 22 years in prison in Russia for the assassination of Russian journalists, took legal effect.