Ukrainian prime minister suggests resolving issue of changing constitution at referendum

Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatseniuk calls for holding a referendum on making changes into the country's constitution.
"The time has come for the Ukrainian people to have their say on what a new Ukrainian constitution in a new European Ukraine should be. No one except for the Ukrainian people has the right to determine what the fundamental law will be," Yatseniuk said on the '10 minutes with the prime minister' program on Sunday evening.
The head of government said that the a constitutional referendum is "a direct popular rule in a free and democratic country, for which we were fighting on the Maidan two years ago and are now protecting with arms in hands."
"A new constitution is a new social contract between citizens and the power which they have elected. An accord on the distribution of rights and responsibility inside the very power - between the president, government and parliament. An accord on relations between the center and regions. An accord on establishing a new honest and just court, but not reappointing the current one. An accord on a Ukrainian accurate geopolitical aim to become a member of the European Union and NATO," he said.
"I am convinced that the head of state has the same principles," Yatseniuk also said.