11:41 24.07.2020

Imperial Tobacco pays almost UAH 460 mln fine imposed by AMC

1 min read
Imperial Tobacco pays almost UAH 460 mln fine imposed by AMC

Imperial Tobacco, which includes Imperial Tobacco Ukraine and Imperial Tobacco Production Ukraine, has paid a fine imposed by the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine (AMC) in the total amount of almost UAH 460 million.

"The committee made the corresponding decision on October 10, 2019 as part of a case of conspiracy between the monopoly distributor of cigarettes and manufacturers of tobacco products. The total amount of fines imposed on all participants in the conspiracy reached UAH 6.5 billion," the AMC said.

According to the AMC, Imperial Tobacco, like other entities involved in the case, tried to appeal against the AMC's decision on the fine in court. However, on July 20 this year, the capital's court rejected the claim of Imperial Tobacco Ukraine and Imperial Tobacco Production Ukraine against the AMC demanding to invalidate the decision of the Antimonopoly Committee to impose fines on the companies.

"The Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine positively evaluates the decision of Imperial Tobacco not to delay further judicial red tape and pay a fine for violating competition laws. The AMC hopes that other entities involved will follow this example," the agency said.