13:10 25.03.2019

ICU seeks to launch unsorted solid household waste treatment plant using innovative solution in Zhytomyr by late 2019

2 min read
ICU seeks to launch unsorted solid household waste treatment plant using innovative solution in Zhytomyr by late 2019

The ICU Group seeks to launch the largest unsorted solid household waste treatment plant in Ukraine in Zhytomyr using the MBT technology (mechanical, biological and thermal treatment of solid municipal waste), ICU Managing Partner Makar Paseniuk has said in an interview with Interfax-Ukraine.

"We expect to start the plant before the end of this year. We can obviously draw some conclusions on the first results of work, only at the end of 2020. This is a very dynamic business, a large number of factors affect its work," Paseniuk said. According to him, following the results of testing this business model, the group will be able to make a decision on its offer for potential co-investment.

Paseniuk said that for Ukraine, the MBT technology is innovative, there is no experience of its implementation in the country yet.

As reported, referring to the press service of ICU, MS Social Project LLC (Kyiv), part of the ICU Group, will invest up to EUR 10 million in construction of the largest unsegregated solid household waste treatment plant in Zhytomyr. After the implementation of this project in Zhytomyr we are considering the possibility of building this type of plants in other cities of Ukraine.

Tehnix (Croatia), which is the equipment manufacturer and developer of MBT technology was selected a contractor for the implementation of the project. Tehnix has built and commissioned more than 50 similar plants in the EU countries, in the countries where solid household waste, as well as in Ukraine, is not segregated at home.

The design capacity of the plant involves the processing of about 82,000 tonnes of solid waste per year. The depth of treatment using this technology will reach 85-95%, and its result will be the receipt of secondary raw materials, alternative refuse-derived fuel (RDF) for cement plants and compost from the organic fraction of solid waste.