12:10 03.03.2016

New deputy head of SPF to oversee management of state-owned shares

2 min read
New deputy head of SPF to oversee management of state-owned shares

New deputy head of the State Property Fund of Ukraine (SPF) Volodymyr Derzhavin will oversee the management of corporate rights of the state as a specialist in the area, the fund said in a report on its website on Wednesday.

"I was waiting for this appointment for nine months – the names of the deputies were submitted for approval in June 2015," Derzhavin said.

The fund said that the cabinet resolution of January 20, 2016 was received by the fund only on March 2.

"Now I have to work in the emergency mode: general meetings of joint-stock companies where the state has corporate rights are to be held by April 1 and the reports for 2015 are to be approved, the issue with dividends is to be settled, the plans for 2016 are to be approved, and the new supervisory boards are to be selected," Derzhavin said.

The fund said that Derzhavin was born in 1980. In 2003, he graduated from the Kyiv University of Law of the national Academy of Science of Ukraine, and in a year he received a certificate for practice of law.

In 2014, Derzhavin was elected to the Kyiv City Council and worked as head of the law department of the Kyiv City Council before the appointed to the SPF.