Two Ukrainian companies permitted to export eggs to Israel - Pavlenko

PJSC Berezan poultry farm (Kyiv region) and PJSC Avis agrofirm (Khmelnytsky region), which are under the control of Avangard agroholding, have received a permit to export shell eggs to Israel, Agricultural Policy and Food Minister of Ukraine Oleksiy Pavlenko has said.
"This is the new proof that Ukrainian producers increase the quality of their products and are able to compete in global markets. We're interested in stirring up trade relations with Israel and we're ready to expand the range of products," he wrote on his Facebook page.
According to a post on the website of the Ministry of Agricultural Policy and Food, Israeli veterinary service representatives have inspected seven companies producing eggs in Kyiv, Khmelnytsky, Chernihiv, Sumy, and Zaporizhia regions.
Deputy Chairman of the State Veterinary and Biosecurity Service of Ukraine Oleksandr Verzhykhovsky said that Moldovan specialists also work in Ukraine. They have inspected enterprises in nine regions. During this week inspections will be carried out in Lviv and Rivne regions.
"Moldova introduces the requirements of the European legislation with regard to food safety. Upon completion of the inspection the experts will draw conclusions about the relevance and quality of Ukrainian products and the possibility of issuing permits for exports," he said.