13:56 29.01.2015

Increase of gas tariffs for households is key problem of talks with IMF, says official

1 min read

The percentage by which the tariff for natural gas for households will be increased is the key problem of the negotiation of the Ukrainian government with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) on the new financing program, Deputy Head of the parliamentary budget committee and a member of the Samopomich faction Viktor Kryvenko has said.

"We should increase tariffs by no more than 25% and it is proposed to increase them by seven times," he said at a meeting of heads of committees with journalists organized by Kyiv International Economic Forum in Kyiv on Thursday.

Kryvenko said that Ukrainian-produced gas is enough to satisfy needs of households in Ukraine, while its production efficiency is positive.

He said that the proposed multiple increase in tariffs for gas for households is an attempt of shifting the problems and debts of national joint-stock company Naftogaz Ukrainy on Ukrainian citizens.

Kryvenko added that coalition members are not informed in details on the negotiations with the IMF mission. However, he said that the coalition presents the government at the negotiations.