Yatseniuk vows to prepare National Reform Strategy by donor conference for Ukraine

Ukrainian Premier Arseniy Yatseniuk has said that the government is working on the basis of the action plan approved by the Ukrainian government last week,
that it is the basic component for furthering a reform agenda.
"In our opinion, this reform agenda will be a key document during any investment or donor conference," the Ukrainian premier said at a briefing after the Ukraine-EU Association Council came to an end.
The premier said that a related strategy would be prepared by the beginning of the donor conference for Ukraine.
"As soon as our partners schedule the date of the finance conference, we'll submit this National Strategy Reform Plan during this conference," the premier said.
For his part, European Neighborhood Policy Commissioner Johannes Hahn said that no specific date for the conference yet.
We would like to see the first results, but there are no doubts that we'll be able to organize this conference, Han said, pointing how it is important for the Ukrainian government to start real implementation of the reforms.