11:24 11.11.2013

Energoatom estimates cost of extending service life of reactor 3 at Rivne NPP at UAH 2 b

1 min read

The cost of extending the operating life of the third reactor at Rivne nuclear power plant (NPP), the projected operation life of which expires in 2016, is estimated at UAH 2 billion, Energoatom Acting President Mykyta Konstantinov has told reporters.

According to Konstantinov, some of these costs will be financed using Energoatom's own funds, including those foreseen in the electricity tariff, as well as funds raised from international financial institutions.

"Every year the tariff foresees funds for extending the service life and improving the safety of all power units," the Energoatom head said.

"Unfortunately, these funds are insufficient, so that's why we're considering additional sources of funding for these programs."

Earlier Konstantinov said the company plans to attract UAH 3.1 billion from state banks under state guarantees, which will be used to extend the life of power units at Ukrainian nuclear power plants and fund programs for improving their safety.