Labor resources for Ukraine's post-war reconstruction: problems, solutions

On Wednesday, August 7, at 12.00, the press center of the Interfax-Ukraine News Agency (8/5a Reitarska Street) will host a press conference on the results of sociological research, prepared within the project "Labor resources for Ukraine's post-war reconstruction: problems, solutions", which is carried out with the support of Representation of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Ukraine.
President of the Razumkov Center Yuriy Yakymenko;
eputy Director of the Representation of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Ukraine Jan Philipp Woelbern;
Deputy Director of the Sociological Service of the Razumkov Center Mykhailo Mischenko;
leading expert of social and gender programs of the Razumkov Center Olha Pyschulina;
director of economic and social programs of the Razumkov Center Vasyl Yurchyshyn;
leading researcher of the Ptukha Institute for Demography and Social Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Lidia Tkachenko.
The event will be streamed on the Interfax-Ukraine YouTube channel.
Admission requires registration on the spot with press ID cards.