13:13 14.03.2019

Odesa Port-Side Plant cannot start operations as has no confirmation of gas volumes distribution by Ukrtransgaz

2 min read

KYIV. March 14 (Interfax-Ukraine) – PJSC Odesa Port-Side Plant (Yuzhne, Odesa region) cannot resume operations, as JSC Ukrtransgaz (UTG) did not confirm gas volume distribution for the enterprise, First Deputy Acting Board Chairman of Odesa Port-Side Plant Mykola Schurikov said at a press conference at Interfax-Ukraine on Wednesday.

According to him, due to the negative experience of cooperation with gas exporters UTG demands from the existing toller, Energy Equivalent LLC, the maximum amount of financial support that could be set. Its amount, calculated on the basis of the maximum capacity of the enterprise, at which the Odesa Port-Side Plant consumes about 2 million cubic meters of natural gas per day, is UAH 140 million. At the same time, until the main facilities are turned on, the plant plans to operate in a mode when the daily gas consumption does not exceed 74,000 cubic meters.

Schurikov focused on the fact that for technical reasons at present the plant cannot consume more than 500,000 cubic meters of gas per day, but the UTG does not take this fact into account.

The Odesa Port-Side Plant and the Energy Equivalent considered the amount requested by the UTG as financial support unjustified and not in line with the gas transmission code, as well as such, which significantly exceeds the amount of collateral calculated on the basis of the planned daily gas consumption.

The companies appealed for support to the presidential administration, the prime minister, profile ministers, and also expressed the hope of achieving mutual understanding with the UTG on the situation with gas distribution to prevent disruption of the sowing season in Ukraine.