10:08 11.12.2018

Ukraine no place for oligarchs, monopolies, and rampancy of law-enforcement chiefs in economy — Hrytsenko

3 min read

KYIV. Dec 11 (Interfax-Ukraine) — Anatoliy Hrytsenko, leader of the Civil Position party, has said he has no liabilities to oligarchs, intends to get rid of monopolies, and discontinue the influence of law-enforcement chiefs on the economy.

"I have no liabilities to anyone, including oligarchs, that would not allow me to do what I want to achieve when running for president. I would like to walk this path up to the inauguration day so that I would be able to take steps to destroy monopolies, not to allow for the parliament, the president, and the courts to be influenced by oligarchs. There will be no oligarchs in our country, instead, there will be large businesses that obey the law," he told a press conference at the Kyiv-based Interfax-Ukraine news agency on December 10.

Hrytsenko said the first thing the newly elected president must do is to make appointments: the head of the presidential administration, the secretary of the National Security and Defense Council, the chief of the General Staff, the chiefs of intelligence agencies, the head of the National Bank, the prosecutor general, the head of the SBU, the ministers of defense and foreign affairs who are appointed through the parliament.

"The first staff appointments, and you will see part of them as early as during the election campaign, will give people a feeling of certainty. Those will be professionals who will speak less and report more, who will generate tranquility and certainty instead of hysteria and conflicts," he said.

Hrytsenko said in order to boost the economy and gain investors' trust, Ukraine needs to restore rule of law, secure the protection of human rights, freedoms, and property.

"We can now observe a rampancy of law-enforcement chiefs who have been ruling the economy and have orchestrated thugs-led fights against us and others as was the case on November 28 [in Odesa]. Instead of investigating high-profile murders and ensuring the security of our arsenals and armories, they have been doing surveillance on me and others. So, I would like to say the following: I will discontinue the influence of law-enforcement chiefs on the economy, they will do what they are supposed to do according to the law. Also, they must be re-oriented to protect our country and its people from the enemy instead of protecting the authorities from Maidan," the politician said.

Also, Hrytsenko promised to submit a draft law on the impeachment of the president so that the procedure of removing the president from power would be specified.

MP Viktor Chumak who has supported Hrytsenko for president and who has assumed the office as the head of his election team said that the next president must also immediately submit draft laws on changing the electoral system in Ukraine, the procedure of how the courts are formed, and the way antimonopoly bodies do their job.