Cabinet simplifies procedure for investigating deaths of medical workers from COVID-19

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has simplified the procedure for investigating deaths of medical workers from COVID-19.
"The government has simplified the procedure for investigating deaths of medical workers caring for patients with COVID-19 as a result of the disease," the government's press service said.
Thus, the procedure for investigating deaths of medical workers of state and municipal health care institutions providing primary, emergency, and in inpatient secondary (specialized) and tertiary (highly specialized) medical care to patients with COVID-19 as a result of infection with the SARS -CoV-2 coronavirus has been regulated, which applies to such cases of death that occurred during the quarantine period established by the Cabinet of Ministers, and within three months from the date of its completion.
In particular, the procedure for the creation and operation of a commission to investigate such cases, the time frame for providing conclusions has been determined.
Also, changes were made to the Procedure for making insurance payments in case of illness or death of medical workers due to infection with COVID-19.