Quarantine restrictions mitigation begins in Ukraine

A mitigation of quarantine measures taken in light of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic in Ukraine has started on Monday, May 11.
"This day has come because the majority of us followed the rules. However, it does not mean we cannot disregard safety precautions. About 500 new coronavirus cases are detected in Ukraine every day. You must not forget the safety regulations in order not to contribute to this upsetting statistics," the Ukrainian Health Ministry said in a statement posted on the Telegram channel with the updates on the coronavirus pandemic.
Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal said in a post on his Facebook page that a mitigation of the quarantine requirements does not mean the end of the pandemic in the country.
"A mitigation of quarantine does not mean that coronavirus is no more or it has become less dangerous. We must learn to live and work in the new conditions. It is a key condition under which quarantine would be increased and the next mitigation stage happens faster," he said.
As part of an adaptive quarantine starting on May 11, hair and beauty salons, restaurants, groceries and non-grocery stores may resume their work, as well as a number of businesses envisages receiving visitors at offices, and dentist offices. At the same time, specific conditions may vary from region to region, depending on the coronavirus spread in every specific region of the country.
Clients and visitors of such businesses must wear masks and respirators, while employees must wear medical masks and single-use gloves and disinfect their work stations and clean the premises after every client.
According to the order of the Ukrainian government of May 4, 2020, the first stage of mitigating the quarantine restrictions to last until May 22.