Russian Justice Ministry yet to reply to Yanukovych questioning request

The Ukrainian Justice Ministry has not received a response from the Russian Justice Minister to its repeated request to question former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych, Ukrainian Justice Minister Pavlo Petrenko said.
"As of now, we have not received a reply from our neighbor's Justice Ministry," Petrenko said in Kyiv on Monday, answering a question as to whether the Russian Justice Ministry had responded to the Ukrainian ministry's request to question Yanukovych.
Ukrainian Deputy Justice Minister Serhiy Petukhov said on August 17 that the Ukrainian Justice Ministry had sent a second request to question Yanukovych to the Russian Justice Ministry. Petukhov said on Facebook that the Russian Justice Ministry sent a letter to their Ukrainian colleagues claiming that four pages were missing from the original request to question Yanukovych. "We are not proud, we copied 30 pages, firmly pinned them using a stapler, and are sending them. We will send another copy by fax," the deputy minister said.