14:57 06.02.2013

Tymoshenko's treatment developed by German doctors near completion - commission member

1 min read

The implementation of the treatment plan developed for Ukraine's former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko by Anett Reisshauer, her doctor from the Charite clinic, has almost been completed, Tamara Mischenko, a member of the international medical commission, said.

"[The plan] continues, but it has virtually been completed," Mischenko told a press conference on Wednesday.

At the same time, Mischenko could not give the exact date when the treatment is due to end and expressed concerns about the current situation.

"We consulted and offered assistance to the German doctors so that the main tactics could be determined by us, but it happened that all recommendations given by the German doctors have already been fulfilled. Further tactics of the treatment remain unclear and it is still unclear how long the treatment will last. We are concerned about what to do next, what the Ukrainian doctors need to do in this situation," Mischenko said.

According to earlier reports, Kyiv Pechersky District Court on October 11, 2011, sentenced Yulia Tymoshenko to seven years in prison for exceeding her powers when signing the gas supply contracts with Russia in 2009. She has served her sentence in the Kharkiv Kachanivska Penal Colony since late December 2011.