Dragon Capital officially exits Arricano Real Estate Plc

Dragon Capital has officially completed the process of exiting the shareholders of Arricano Real Estate PLC (Cyprus), according to a press release from Dragon Capital.
According to the press release, this final step is the result of a recent transaction in which Arricano Real Estate Plc bought back its shares from Dragon Capital. Now, both companies will be able to focus on their independent strategic goals and further development.
In March 2024, it was reported that such an agreement had been reached. The purpose of the transaction is to introduce a new American investor into Arricano Real Estate Plc.
Arricano Real Estate Plc specializes in the construction of shopping and entertainment centers and is one of the leading developers in the Ukrainian real estate market. It owns and manages five shopping centers in the country with a total area of 147,006 square meters: RaiON and Prospekt in Kyiv, Sun Gallery in Kryvy Rih, and City Mall in Zaporizhia. The company also owns 49.9% in the Sky Mall shopping center (Kyiv) and land plots for the further construction of three facilities, which are in the design stage. The company is also constructing the Lukianivka shopping and entertainment complex in Kyiv.
According to Opentadatabot, Arricano Real Estate Plc's revenue for 2023 reached UAH 36.156 million, which is 52.8% higher than the results of 2022, and net profit grew 2.28 times to UAH 7.168 million.
According to the report for the first half of 2022, the largest shareholder was Estonian Rauno Teder, who increased his stake to 70.86% from 15.92% after his father, Hillar Teder, transferred his share to him. Other shareholders included Dragon Capital Investments Limited and Jüri Põld.
Arricano's shares were listed on the London Stock Exchange in 2013 but were delisted due to the war in 2023. In addition to Dragon Capital, Arricano has attracted foreign investments from various reputable international investment banks, including Goldman Sachs and clients of Morgan Stanley.
Dragon Capital is a leading Ukrainian group of companies operating in the field of private equity and financial services, providing a full range of investment banking and brokerage services for corporate and private clients.