Practically all shopping centers of Ukraine are well prepared for winter

Evgenia Loktionova, director of the UTG company
During the difficult experience of last winter’s blackouts, the SEC managing companies quickly restructured and began to look for new opportunities to continue their activities.
In order to preserve their business, they purchased large-capacity industrial generators capable of covering all the important needs of buildings: elevator equipment, electronic systems, engineering communications, etc. In this way, the owners of SECs ensured almost complete autonomy of the operation of their facilities at the expense of backup power last year.
Moreover, even stand-alone supermarkets have purchased powerful generators so that they do not depend on the power outage. Now generators are located almost everywhere: in “Silpo”, coffee shops, pharmacies and many other commercial establishments, many of which still have the announcement – “we work without light”.
All this equipment, purchased at the end of last winter, is intended for multiple use and can now be used if necessary.
Therefore, I am sure that everyone is ready for the challenges of winter, starting from the common man who bought himself a dozen power banks and a bunch of light bulbs, ending with large retail chains and shopping malls. This means that Ukrainians are prepared both morally and physically for this winter.
In addition, compensation systems for the use of generators and fuel for them have already been developed, implemented and verified. Work on errors, correction of inaccuracies and getting retailers used to the fact that these costs need to be compensated has been completed. Accordingly, commercial real estate has been prepared for possible blackouts since last winter.
If we are talking about alternative energy supply options for SEC activities, including solar batteries, not everyone has the opportunity to use them.
For example, most shopping facilities do not have pitched roofs. Moreover, there are no roofs at all in district shopping centers located in stylobates. Only a few lucky people, who have the opportunity to install such equipment, managed not only to protect themselves in times of blackouts, but also to use solar panels year-round, in order not only to cover their needs for electricity, but even to sell its surplus.
Summarizing all of the above, I can confidently say that most of our SECs are already as ready as possible for winter. Moreover, this applies not only to energy issues, but also to the safety of employees and clients. Since many objects have equipped their own bomb shelters, others use nearby metro stations, underground passages or other shelter options as shelters.